
Trendrating SA
[Data is at the core of all decision-making in investment management. The existence of massive sets of new data and information now offers asset and wealth managers competitive opportunities to enhance their investment research and performance. Through the pandemic, or even because of it, the interest in employing data, AI and analytics has been increasing....
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Trendrating proprietary model identified the beginning of the bull trend in oil back in October 2020. Brent Crude Oil (BRN) +107% since positively rated by Trendrating. Brent Crude Oil (BRN) +107% since positively rated by Trendrating Here is a selection of the oils stocks that are being upgraded to “uptrend” between October 2020 and February...
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Vast Majority of U.S. Sectors Were Downgraded in the Past Month as Uncertainty Increases Due to Continued Pandemic and Supply Chain Problems Markets disappointed in November after a strong October run. Most US Sectors experienced ratings downgrades with Utilities seeing the biggest shift to “C” and “D” ratings. The Trendrating model has detected a bear...
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In this current investment environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, huge institutional asset flows, sentiment, and social media, it has become important to pay more attention to and have respect for price trends. Evaluating and measuring today’s price trends though requires sophisticated analytical models versus relying solely on traditional technical analysis approaches. Trendrating is taking on...
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Trendrating is a global leader in the field of advanced analytics and portfolio management technology, serving thousands of asset owners worldwide and strategic partners such as Bloomberg and Euronext. We interviewed Rocco Pellegrinelli, the Founder and CEO of Trendrating, to know more about the company and its services. Here are a few excerpts of the...
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The performance dispersion across any investment universe is a gold mine for active investors that have the right tools to profit from it. The ability to “identify and capture” some of the top 25% performers can make a big difference. It is possible to gain an edge using intelligent “trend validation” analytics. At Trendrating we...
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Markets touched yet another all-time high last month. The past year has been a gold mine for investors as benchmark & broader indices continued their momentum. The U.S. has been witnessing a bit of demand-led inflationary pressure, however it’s worth pointing out that rising inflation is synonymous with an improving economy and equities usually do...
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The performance dispersion across any investment universe is a gold mine for active investors that have the right tools to profit from it. The ability to “identify and capture” some of the top 25% performers can make a big difference. It is possible to gain an edge using intelligent “trend validation” analytics. At Trendrating we...
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The key stock indices in US and Europe are slightly below the highs of the year. But this does not capture the fact that across the stock markets there is a broad profit taking, pointing to a weaker picture. Trendrating methodology is designed to provide a metric for the medium-term trends of individual stocks, via ...
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Trendrating is a recognized leading provider of advanced analytics and first class technology for asset managers, wealth managers, private bankers, hedge funds and advisors. Trendrating is at the forefront of the new technology platforms and sophisticated analytics that are changing the game for active portfolio managers. The company offers last generation of data and systems...
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